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Written on July 11, 2023 at 6:40 am, by

市场须知 多位美联储官员表示,今年需要进一步加息,以使通胀率回到2%的目标水平。尽管美联储态度强硬,但市场倾向于认为最新经济数据表明美国通胀正在放缓,美联储货币紧缩周期已接近尾声。结果,美元价值和美国国债收益率一直在下跌,而油价则因美联储将摆脱高利率环境的预期而受到提振。与此同时,投资者热切期待明天(7 月 8 日)公布的美国消费者价格指数(CPI),以衡量美联储未来的货币政策决策。 市场看点 当前对 7 月 26 日美联储利率决定的加息押注: Source: CME Fedwatch Tool 0个基点 (11%) 对比 25 个基点 (89%)   市场概括 财经日历 市场走势 美元指数, H4 在美联储官员强调有必要进一步加息以应对通胀、同时暗示当前紧缩周期即将结束后,美元大幅下跌。美联储负责监管的副主席巴尔(Michael Barr)表示,美联储可能在今年两次加息后,未来的紧缩货币政策将会结束。然而,货币政策仍未确定,因此投资者必须持续关注未来的经济发展以获得更准确的交易信号。 美元指数目前正在测试支撑位。然而,MACD指标显示看跌势头减弱,而相对强弱指数在31,暗示该指数可能进入超卖区域。 阻力位:102.50,103.35 支撑位:101.95,101.05 黄金/美元,H1 黄金价格在关键的1930美元阻力位附近停滞不前,投资者等待关键的经济数据,特别是6月份的消费者价格指数(CPI)数据。对月度物价压力上升的预期加剧了对通胀的担忧,增加了美联储(Federal Reserve)在即将召开的7月货币政策会议上加息的可能性。92%的投资者预计会有这样的举动,市场波动是意料之中的,因此交易要谨慎。 黄金价格目前在阻力位附近持平。MACD指标显示看涨势头增强,而相对强弱指数在56,暗示该商品在成功突破后可能会走高,因为相对强弱指数保持在中线上方。 阻力位:1930.00,1950.00 支撑位:1910.00,1895.00 欧元/美元, H4 明天美国消费者物价指数 (CPI) 公布前,美元进一步走软,汇价自去年 5 月以来再次触及 1.100 点。尽管几位美联储官员口气强硬地敦促加息,以将通胀率降至央行支持的水平,但市场正在根据经济数据做出相应反应。 CPI已较峰值减半,而就业数据显示劳动力市场正在宽松,这导致市场认为美联储的货币紧缩周期已接近结束。投资者密切关注明天公布的CPI,以衡量美联储下一步的政策举措。 欧元/美元交投强劲,突破心理阻力位 1.100。 RSI 继续上升并接近超买区域,而 MACD 继续发散,两者都表明该货币对处于看涨势头。 阻力位:1.1027, 1.1088Continue Reading


Join Us at Traders Fair Financial Expo Philippines 2022

Written on May 13, 2022 at 9:34 am, by


Join Us at Financial Expo Egypt 2022

Written on May 13, 2022 at 9:30 am, by


How to develop a trading plan

Written on February 17, 2020 at 2:43 am, by

Why a trading plan is important When trading, as in most endeavors, it’s important to start at the end and work backwards to create your plan and figure out what type of trader you should be. The most successful traders trade to a plan, and may even have several plans that work together. Always writeContinue Reading


How to efficiently managing risk

Written on February 16, 2020 at 3:01 am, by

Any analyst or trading guide will tell you how important it is to manage your risk. However, how does one go about managing that risk? And what exactly do they mean by managing risk? Here is a step-by-step guide to one of the most important concepts in financial trading. 1. Determine Your Risk Tolerance ThisContinue Reading


How to use order manage risk

Written on February 15, 2020 at 2:59 am, by

Orders can be an effective tool to help you better manage your risk and should always be considered as part of your overall trading strategy. While orders can have a critical role in helping you to achieve your trading goals they cannot necessarily limit your losses. Protective orders should always be placed when you enterContinue Reading


The advantages and disadvantages of CFD trading

Written on February 14, 2020 at 2:58 am, by

Contracts for Difference or CFDs, as they are commonly referred to, are derivative instruments that enable traders to speculate on a wide range of financial markets, without taking direct ownership of the underlying asset. The contract referred to is an agreement between the buyer and the seller to exchange the difference between the opening andContinue Reading


Trading skills and common mistakes

Written on February 13, 2020 at 3:00 am, by

FOREX tRading skills Before you start something new, begin with the fundamentals. Let’s look at trading tips every trader should consider before trading currency pairs. Know the Markets We cannot overstate the importance of educating yourself on the forex market. Take the time to study currency pairs and what affects them before risking your ownContinue Reading


How to invest in shares

Written on February 11, 2020 at 3:01 am, by

Share trading refers to investing in a publicly listed company or corporation by purchasing a number of that company’s shares, also referred to as stocks. A company’s shares become available for trading once it has completed an Initial Public Offering (IPO) and can be purchased on the stock market. When share trading, an investor’s successContinue Reading


What is currency

Written on December 6, 2019 at 6:48 am, by

Currency, or foreign exchange, often abbreviated as forex or simply FX, refers to the exchange of global currencies on a decentralised market place – also known as over the counter (OTC) currency exchange. The foreign exchange market is the largest and most liquid market in the world, with an average daily trading volume of approximatelyContinue Reading


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